We believe the beauty begins from the inside out:
Organic Rose water contains vitamins A, C E and B and anti-inflammatory qualities directly by rose. Luxury rose blooms with sparkling amazing rose tastes inside out.
Rose Sparkling
Rose Sparkling
The emblematic flower of the grasse region, the centifolia rose. The rose sparkling ha also held beauty secrets for millennia. It is essential today in all our beauty. And these are not only rose sparkling stories.
Ingredients: Carbonate Water, Organic Rose Centifolia Hydrosol
Rose water is one of the best-kept ancient beauty and welless secrest of all time. Loved by goddesses, kings, queens and prominent historical figures, it has proven to be a wellness elixir for centuries, Rose Centifolia have been a luxury most favored type of rose for wellness use. Here's how the history of these rose has led to the growing rose wellness industry.
About Rose Water History
Rose water has also been used for thousands of years in beauty products, food, and beverages. In addition to this, it also contains many potential health benefits. It is worth nothing the rose sparkling is made by distilling rose petals with steam. Here are some the benefits of drinking rose water.
Rose water has long been used in medicine in Iran and other parts of the Middle East. Here are some of the benefits the water provides:
– Rose water contains antioxidants the protect skin cells from damage. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which means that it may be applied to the skin to clam the inflammation that results from infection in same cases, such as eczema and rosacea.:
– Because of its sedative and anti-inflammatory effects, rose water an be taken to treat a sore throat. In addition, a study showed that consuming this water may relax the throat muscles.
– Rose water can help wounds heal faster by keeping them clean. This is because it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Among the types of wounds that rose water can be used to treat are burns, wounds, and scars.
– Inhaling the vapours of rose water helps to get rid of stress, and the thus can contribute to the treatment of headaches and migraines. It is also used in aromatherapy, and it can also be applied to a piece of cloth and placed on the forehead.
– Inhaling rose water vapous has traditionally been used as a way to improve people's moods and can also be taken orally. Research has shown that rose water has antidepressant and anxiety properties, and rose water mist has some poweful relaxing effects on the body.
– It was found that rose water has positive effects on the digestive system as it increases the production of bile, which contributes to the treatment of common symptoms such as bloating, upset stomach.
Studies have shown the rose water contains compounds that help improve metabolism, which helps lose weight, not increase it.
Studies have shown that rose water contains compounds that help improve metabolism, which helps lose weight, not increase it.